Casual Day South Africa is celebrated every year on the first Friday of the month of September. This year (2019) we'll be celebrating it on the 6th of September.
CasualDay Stickers

The Casual Day fundraising campaign was launched in 1995 to aid people with disabilities and create awareness. In South Africa we celebrate Casual Day on the first Friday of September and this year we are celebrating on the 6th of September 2019. We would like to encourage all our Amazing Vouchers members and partners to participate in this amazing campaign by purchasing a Casual Day sticker and dressing up. The theme this year is "Time To Shine" so get your family, friends and colleagues involved.
A donation of only R10 gets you a Casual Day sticker and these can be purchased at any of the participating beneficiaries. Everyone can show their support in this fun and interactive campaign that not only raises funds but also builds awareness around the challenges faced and lobbies for the full inclusion and equity of persons with disabilities.
What Happens with the Funds Raised for Casual Day
The NCPD is proud to share the funds raised with Casual Day's national beneficiary organisations who provide services and advocacy work. In 2019 they are:
- Alzheimer's SA
- Blind SA
- Deaf Federation of SA (DeafSA)
- Muscular Dystrophy Foundation SA (MDFSA)
- QuadPara Association of South Africa (QASA)
- SA Federation for Mental Health (SAFMH)
- SA National Council for the Blind (SANCB)
- The National Association for Persons with Cerebral Palsy (NAPCP)
- The National Institute for the Deaf (NID)
- Transoranje Institute for Special Education (TOIBO)
- South African Disability Alliance (SADA)
- Grey Power
Casual Day also supports the disability units of 11 universities, the South African Police Service (SAPS) and the South African National Defence Force (SANDF).
Where do I buy a Casual Day Sticker?
You can purchase a Casual Day sticker at participating beneficiaries and in retail stores.
Stickers can be purchased at:
Edgars, Jet, CNA, Game, Dion Wired stores, Toys R Us and Babies R Us Stores.
Alpha Pharm Stores, Express Stores, National and local NGO participating beneficiary organizations and The Casual Day National office, Edenvale, Gauteng
NEW! Digital Sticker
If you are out of time or cannot get out to purchase your physical sticker, please support Casual Day and persons with disabilities by donating R10 via airtime.
SMS your FIRST NAME to 38224 and get your very own digital sticker (R10/SMS. Free/Bundle SMS don't apply). Please share with family and friends.
FAQs here:
For additional information, visit their website at
And visit their Facebook page at
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